Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“Attitude is the mind paintbrush. It can color any situation.”

Reflection: What this anonymous quote explains is that having an attitude can happen anywhere and in any time. Having an Attitude can fit mostly on anyone and in any situation. Having an attitude could happen from the most important events and one in a life time to the worst and unforgettable moments. When it says that a mind is like a paintbrush, it explains that our mind has so many types of attitudes that one can change from one mood to another so quickly some may even call it By Polar (BP), and when it says it can color any situation, that explains that it can happen instantly in any moment. Example: If you are so excited because, something really good is about to happen and you get your hopes up and start complementing people and saying high, doing favors, etc. and at last you got your hopes down because, it didn’t happens so then your all angry and you start to criticizes   and hate people for you mood (Attitude).



Attitude: manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation,especially of the mind: a negative attitude; group attitudes.
Same meaning as Attitude: see position, emotion, expression, By Polar (BP), Acting, Job Interviews, Cops, Judge, President, etc.
Examples of good Attitude:
Being respectful and nice to yourself and other, being positive, always in a good mood, Set yourself to limits and don’t let people push you around, have respect and dignity, caring for everybody and especially yourself.
Examples of bad Attitude:
Not being respectful to yourself And others, always so negative, mean to others, grumpy, always in a bad mood, not have to care about anybody sometimes yourself, bullying people, exposing yourself in a bad way.


Duties and Responsibilities: Periodontist focus on diseases and gums. You`ll treat patients who have gums disease and other issues in the gums and bones around the jaw.  You may or may not be participating in surgery. The types of surgeries you may be participating are, placing implants, treatment plans, providing preventable care etc. most dentist have their own private practices, you might work in a group, clinic, dental school, or in a hospital.
Salary: $101,181-$245,538
Education: If student wishes to be a periodontist they would mainly have to go through a process like being a dentist. You may have to complete a dental school; it takes least 2 years to finish of a prior college study. Mainly its take the study of science work that includes being a dental. Being a periodontist it’s just like being a dentist only that its work is done differently. Dental school take 4 years to complete and include classroom required in dental school, however a degree in any major usually takes long as science.
Reflection: I think this career can be as my back-up plan because, so far every information I hold accountable is quite good, the learning skills, salary, the job, etc. everything that has to do with a periodontist its quite interesting to.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“He, who walks with the wise, grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.”
A Proverb

Reflection: This quote explains that depending on who you be with, is how you going to act around him. Having to hang out with bad people will probably put you in the pressure of doing bad things but, if you hang out with good people then you’re going to be under the influence of not having the risk of doing nothing bad but good. Example: if you hang out it bad  people you are more likely to be put in a situation where they offer you drugs and alcohol in which some situation they put you under the pressure where you have to take it but, if it was the other way around. When you hang out with good people then all you’ll guys be doing is the right and going to the right path and not being forced to do the wrong or anything you don’t want to do.

Dental Technician

Dental Technician
Duties and Responsibilities: They fill in order for a dental prosthetics. A prosthetics include dentures, bridges, crowns, veneers and inlays. They fill in prescriptions for model patient’s mouth. They specialize in ceramics, dentures, orthodontic appliances and crowns and bridges.
Salary: $20,704
Education: If student wishes to be a Dental Technician they`ll have to try to take challenging classes during their high school year. High school diploma will be required and a degree from college.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“You can’t hire someone else to do your push-ups for you.”
Jim Rohn
Reflection: This reflection means that you can`t cheat your way in a problem or situation you need to get out of alone. It`s best to not run away from the problem and step over the line but, to face it and follow the line. Example: If you have a test tomorrow and you already know you have to study and you’re at home doing nothing and just bored, well you have a chance to follow the line (chose the right) and study for that important test and when you go back to school you`ll be prepared and won’t have to step over the line and cheat on someone else, if you step over the line you`ll be worried and frustrated and nervous about the test but, if you follow the line then you will take a amount of stress off and be relaxed and just finish the test and no worries has to happen.

Eat, Nose AND Throat (ENT) Surgeon

Eat, Nose AND Throat (ENT) Surgeon
Duties and Responsibilities: They specialize in health; they provide well good services and may also require research on a treatment for ears, nose, throat, head, and neck disorders. They would mainly try to cure ears, nose, throat, head and neck if problems accrue (surgery provided.) they help restore sense to their patients. This can be required for children and adults.

Salary: $327,517
Education: If a student wishes to become a surgeon (ENT) they will need to try and take challenging classes in their high school such as, math, English and science. They will need their high school diploma as to pass all their requirements.
Reflection: I wouldn’t like to be a ENT surgeon because, I don’t really know about this career. I didn’t find the exact information I needed for this warm up today. Choose the right J

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Story by Abraham Lincoln

Story by Abraham Lincoln

This little story was abut Abraham Lincoln and how he would lead the colony, I think a war or something and there were a few temptation where they had struggled and had trouble making difficult decision but he had made a promise to his mother and his mother is what had kept him from moving forward and not backing away or get stuck in a situation. He decided to keep moving forward especially with the help of others and others standing by him side. He was a good leader. This little story relates to me by showing that one must never give up even if u do have someone worth moving forward to and staying strong but, if your have known one but yourself remember you’re not alone and that having faith is the best shield you can ever have. Even through struggling situation will go on your way, you should always stay strong.

Clinical Manager

Clinical Manager Manage
Duties and Responsibilities: their main responsibilities are to monitoring, providing feedback, helping staff and nurses, making interviews, hiring nurses and medical staff. They are able to make decisions that can affect the nurse unit. The serve as a representative and provide the best interest of their staff and patients that they care for. Their duty is to make sure that the patient is being provided with fair care and is feeling comfortable/ fairly treated.
Salary: $62,614-$85,759
Education: If a student wishes to become a clinical manager they will need to try to take challenging classes in English, Math and, science. It can be mostly be experience in leadership qualities to be increasing in the responsibility that will be needed. It would need to go from charge nurse to manager nurse as to the process in becoming a clinical manager.
Reflection: I would like to become a clinical manager as to a career because, it quite a interesting job to do based on reasonability and to make sure people are being treated equally and receive the proper care. Based on the salary it’s quite fair as an annual. It also sounds quite easy to manage.

Choose the right!!!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Student Success Satement

Student Success Statement
"Kindness is the essence of greatness."
Joseph B wirthlin

Reflection: what this quote explain is that having to do great things in life can really reward you with great things back. It like saying the great things you do, the great things will come back. It like what you do will or might effect you in the future.  lets just say that you will or will try to choose the right and life will be easier but if you don't choose the right but choose the wrong then life will be very complicated and hard to keep up with all the drama you have brought/deserve/ or made. choose the right people and never the wrong.

Speech Pathologist

Speech Pathologist
Duties and Responsibilities: They help out children and teens by its language during pre-k, elementary, middle school and high school years. They help out people with treatment disorder or having trouble speaking. It can be either personally or emotionally on helping out their patients. It can be considered as a goal or in some kind. They provide in distinct roles based on the focus on the language. It can be taught on listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Salary: $78,000
Education: if a student wishes to become a speech pathologist then they`ll have to try and take challenging classes in their high school year. They require master’s degree, licensed pathologist that covers the graduated program.
Reflection: I would like to be a speech pathologist because, I think it`ll be quite fun if one person knows how to speak in a foreign language.  Based not on only by the language but for how much you be making a year.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

  1. a gentleman holding the door for the lady.
  2. Speaking well to the elderly
  3. having to help others in need
  4. doing the correct and whats directed
  5. Follow instructions
  6. Dont talk when someone is talking
  7. Choose the right
  8. Complement people
  9. Give food to the poor and maybe some money
  10. don't brake the law
  11. donate blood.
  12. don't choose the wrong
  13. donate clothes
  14. give advice
  15. dont touch people bunn
  16. help out my classmate
  17. volunteer
  18. be helpful to others
  19. be nice to pets

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“Visualizations-imagination. What you see is what you get?”

Reflection: This reflection explains that in your imagination it can become in reality if you just put the effort to make it become in reality. Having an imagination and having to be visual at it can go on in a very long way and probably become very succeful.

Sonographer (ultrasound Technician)

Sonographer (ultrasound Technician)
Duties and Responsibilities: Their responsible for operating machineries, which is used to look at the organs of patients that get a diagnose. They can also be used to see the baby if a girl is pregnant or to see the inside.
Salary: 83,000
Education: If he/she is wants to be a sonographer as in a career they have to take challenging classes for high school. they would need a bachelor`s degree and etc.
Reflectoin: I wouldn`t like to be a sonographer because, I heard negative thoughta about it and it aint even worth a try. 
Duties and Responsibilities: Their responsible for operating machineries, which is used to look at the organs of patients that get a diagnose. They can also be used to see the baby if a girl is pregnant or to see the inside.
Salary: 83,000
Education: If he/she is wants to be a sonographer as in a career they have to take challenging classes for high school. they would need a bachelor`s degree and etc.

Reflectoin: I wouldn`t like to be a sonographer because, I heard negative thoughta about it and it aint even worth a try. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“Manners maketh man”
William of Wykehan

Reflection: This quote explains that a man with good manners is a good man indeed. Having manners is what leads to a good behavior and well treated respect. One example would be if a person with bad manners will always be received with trouble and with no respect but, if that person had manners and self-respect then he`ll get respect from others and be treated well too.

Environmental Health Specialist

Environmental Health Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities: they control the food on the regulations. They focus on the most inqualvilant food source that we all mainly buy and need. Example: milk, solid, water and more. They also would be taking care of the environment. They specialty lies in the environmental programs.
Salary: $53,000
Education: The requirements offered to this type of career would be:
·      Redristration Requirements
·      Procedures
·      Education
·      And more
They main cause for the requirements would be, if a student wishes to be one they’ll need to try to take challenging high school classes. You`ll also need a high school diploma.
Reflection: I wouldn’t like to be a environment al health specialist because, it doesn’t sound like a fun career to be studying for.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Research Scientist

Research Scientist

Duties and Responsibilities: They job is to improve their life, work and increasing the world’s knowledge. Their interested in many variety`s such as genetics, biology, physics, pathology etc. They mostly work in labriatiories but, in many other situations they work in colleges, school, universities and medical school.
.Average Salary: $25,000-$75,000
Educational Requirements: If students wishes to become a research Scientist their must at least try to be in a challenging class such as math, science and, English.  To work in the must have a bachelor`s degree and manage in a department program.
Reflection: I wouldn’t like to be a research scientist because, it doesn’t really catch my eye, it’s not interesting and it’s quite boring.